Join Bethel Northeast
It is our great joy to introduce you to our church! Here, you'll discover that our heart is to provide a place where people just like you can have a life-changing experience with God.
At Bethel Deliverance Church-Northeast, our doors are always open to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey.

Get Connected
Discover the environment where you are most effective and fulfilled while connecting passion with ministry. Discover what you are passionate about and the source of your passion. Learn how your personal experiences that may guide you into the unique place of ministry God has designed for you. Let us use all that God has given us to multiply!
" Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, he takes away, and every branch that bears fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” John 15:2

First Time Guests
Online or in-person, we know that showing up to a new place for the first time can be intimidating. We also know that searching for a new church home can be a process, and a very personal one at that. It’s our desire that you feel loved from the moment you tune in to one of our online experiences or step foot in the building.